Don't miss your opportunity to host a free screening of Breakthrough at your church this summer!
Our producer DeVon Franklin loves the local church and wants to resource the the church with incredible tools. Because of that love he has negotiated with 20th Century Fox to make it possible for churches to screen the movie "Breakthrough" at no charge from July 2, 2019-August 31, 2019. Now your whole church can experience the movie that has been changing people's lives and encouraging them to believe that God can still "Breakthrough" any situation they are facing. You can schedule the showing of "Breakthrough" at your church right now by clicking below. Sign up today! Limited screenings available!
Invite Joyce and John Smith, and Pastor Jason to your Breakthrough Screening!
In addition to screening the movie at your church you can also have the real people (Joyce and John Smith, and Pastor Jason Noble) at your screening event to share the full story behind "Breakthrough". They currently have limited calendar dates available. We do ask that you cover the teams travel expense, and provide an honorarium for your event. You can inquire about having Joyce, John, and Pastor Jason at your event by also clicking below!